Panic buying puts restrictions on alcohol

One of the big phenomenoms of the Coronavius outbreak is that, despite there being no restrictions of movement to supermarkets, people are stockpiling groceries in massive amounts. It has been over 6 weeks since the coronavirus kicked off panic buying and you still cannot find any toilet paper, hand sanitiser, pasta very easily.

The government has done it’s best to convince everyone that there is more than enough goods for everyone but that has done little to stop the stock piling. Much to the horror of most people, liquor stores are now starting to implement limits on alcohol purchases. This limit has been initiated by Retail Drinks Australia.

Major alcohol retailers such as Dan Murhy’s, First Choice Liquor and others have implmented limits such as 12 bottles of wine and two slabs of beer per transaction.

As expected many voiced their displeasure at the limits saying that booze should be exempt from restrictions during these tough times.

Retail Drinks CEO Julie Ryan said that they are doing their bit to encourage people to feel like there is sufficient supply during this time of crisis and they wanted to also promotote responsible drinking. People are starting to get nervous and worried that bottle shops will be required to close down like restaurants and pubs.
Retail Drinks are trying to ensure bottle shops stay open and should be considered an essential service.

If you’re determined to stay home and isolate then a good option is to buy from Jimmy Brings. Jimmy Brings deliver to your door and with a Jimmy Brings promo code you can get an even better deal.

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